Saturday, December 17, 2011

Happy Holidays and Valentines Day

That special time of year is quicking approaching!  Soon the stalkings will be hung with presents under the tree or candles will be lit all to celebrate a special time of year.  I consider December a holiday, many dont agree but when your birthday and for me, Christmas, are 12 days apart, in the same month, its a great big holiday to me!  I want to thank all the families who chose me as their photographer for the holiday season, it was a lot of fun and a pleasure meeting new people and spending time with you as well as capturing the memories for you.

I will be doing another set of mini sessions in late January.  I have added some card samples to my website ( for your viewing.  For the sessions you will have two options.  Option 1 will be 25 Valentines Day cards and 2 5x7's along with the session.  Option 2: will be all prints.  I am currently in search of an inside location in the Fells Point area to hold the sessions so once that is all finalized I will be sending more details.  If you are interested please let me know and I will let you have priority in choosing your time slot! :)

Enjoy the holidays and till next time...Live, Laugh, Love, and Enjoy the memories!

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Glenns

Saturday I had the pleasure of spending the afternoon with one of my favorite families here in Baltimore. Like me and many of my friends here, they are transplants and do not have family in the area.  There is a group of us who have become our own little Baltimore family so it was great to photograph them and capture this time in their lives and expanding family! Enjoy this glimps into our day...

Live, Laugh, Love, and Enjoy the memories...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Merry Christmas from Tyler

This little cutie was so much fun! I got there and we played with his toys and cars for a bit and then got down to business...more "play!" He loved playing with the holiday lights, tree decorations, and hiding behind the couch.  Here are a few pictures from our fun afternoon...

Live, Laugh, Love, and Enjoy the memories...

Silent Auction

This spring I dontated a free session to a silent auction for Padonia Elementary's Panda Jamboree.  This session took us what seemed like forever to schedule but was well worth it! We started with a date in July and after a few dates that had to be changed for various reasons we were finally able to make it happen in mid November.  This family was so much fun and had a fantastic location right in their backyard in the Essex/Middle River area.  Here is a glimpse of the wonderful Roberts Family...

Live, Laugh, Love, and Enjoy the memories...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Mini Sessions

The mini sessions this past weekend were lots of fun but oh so blustery and chilly.  The families toughed it out and we got some great shots for the holidays.  :)  I want to thank they for being such great sports and dealing with the cold and wind...if only we could control the weather :) 

Live, Laugh, Love, and Enjoy the memories...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

3 week old baby Charlotte

Yesterday I spent a few hours with the Laubach family which included one of the sweetest little babies!  Thank you so much for the opportunity to capture this time in their lives.  Here are a few pics from our time together.

Live, Laugh, Love, and Enjoy the memories...

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

mini sessions

So looking forward to the mini sessions I am doing on November 5th at Downs Park. 
Live, Laugh, Love, and Enjoy the memories...